Record Flora & Fauna
As part of the planning approval process, Fera is required to do biodiversity assessment studies. They have appointed the ecological consulting firm, Biosis to do this work and you can read their preliminary, desktop study here:
As well as doing their own surveys, Biosis will be relying on observations of flora and fauna recorded in the iNaturalist app and in other databases such as the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas.
The more observations the local community can document in iNaturalist, the stronger the case we can make about the extent of the biodiversity in our landscape and the importance of protecting it from completely inappropriate, industrial scale projects such as the proposed wind energy facility.
All observations are valuable, whether it is a commonly occurring species or one which is threatened - just take a picture when you are out and about in our beautiful landscape and upload it to iNaturalist at the time or when you get home.
See the Guide below to show you how to do it: