SRRCG has submitted two separate documents (see bottom of page) to VicGrid's consultation process on the Victorian Transmission Plan which includes the areas that they will investigate to be the new Renewable Energy Zones. Our region is shown as a high priority for further investigation to become a REZ. See the map at the link below.
If our region is included as a REZ in the 2025 Victorian Transmission Plan and if the Fera project goes ahead with new Transmission lines installed, it could be the first of many renewable projects across our region, which could become covered with wind and solar farms for ever more.
So, please, if you value the amenity of this region, take some affirmative action.
Read SRRCG's submissions (bottom of page) and develop your own using these as a guide
Visit the VicGrid website:
Complete the guiding principles feedback form: click here
Upload a submission with any feedback about the VTP Guidelines document and its Appendices: click here
Submissions close at 11:59 pm on Sunday 25 August 2024
Note that there is a third submission, due September 30th, which is an opportunity for us to provide detailed feedback and evidence about why we believe this region is not suitable to become a REZ. SRRCG is currently working on this submission which will provide evidence on the region's biodiversity, significant landscape, proportion of "lifestyle" property owners and land use and socioeconomic factors. We will also question the assumption that the region has a high wind resource. We will make this submission available once completed to assist our community with their own submissions.