The latest Fera Community meeting took place at the Cherry Tree Windfarm. This event provided an opportunity for those interested to observe the turbines and a functioning windfarm. However, due to OH&S regulations, access was restricted close up.
Turbine noise was audible at the meeting location which was 1.8 km from the turbines. The proposed wind energy facility in the Southern Strathbogies (currently called the Seymour Wind farm by Fera, despite being nowhere near Seymour) will have significantly larger turbines approximately 1 km away from residences, so noise impacts will definitely be felt by many landholders.
While Fera did not officially announce any updates regarding their Southern Strathbogies wind energy facility proposal, during informal discussions with Fera representatives, attendees learned that the number of turbine host landholders has increased to approximately 14 and the count of turbines has risen from 80 to 98. No additional details were provided about the route of the transmission line or access roads.