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SRRCG Update 22 November 2023


Updated: Dec 20, 2024

It has been some time since the last email update, but there has been very little information forthcoming from FERA to report on.

FERA continue to say that they have engaged with the local community. While they have been meeting with many community groups outside of the tablelands area, we know of many landowners whose properties are adjacent to those assumed to be hosting wind turbines and who have had no approach from FERA to date. If you own property under the footprint of FERA's proposed area maps, have you been contacted? Please let us know if you have or have not.

Rather than relay the discussions held at various community meetings outside of the tablelands area, here is the response from FERA to an email seeking updates to points made at previous community engagements.

The text in blue is the response from FERA, the text in black is the email from the SRRCG and the red text is SRRCGs editorial notes. There is a lot to read, the bottom line is that Fera continues to refuse to confirm or deny in writing any of the commitments they make verbally in community meetings.

Please note point 3 below and the map at the top of this post. The bright green area on this map shows, to the best of our knowledge, the properties within FERA's project boundaries that we know are opposed to the FERA project and as such should not be included in the outline promoted by FERA. Areas not shaded in green do not necessarily represent land available to FERA, they simply show properties that we have not confirmed with the respective owners their standing on FERA's proposal. Many of these properties may also be opposed to FERA's project. If you have any information to help us improve the accuracy of this map please contact us at


Email sent to Andrew Lawson, CEO Fera Australia by Greg Pritchard, Chair SRRCG on 9 November 2023 and reply (in blue) on 10 November 2023.

Hi Andrew I’m writing on behalf of the SRRCG and the community we represent to follow up on several matters with respect to FERA’s proposed wind turbine and transmission line project in the Strathbogie Ranges.

Greg, I addressed the questions asked in the emails at the community sessions [SRRCG note: This is not correct, Andrew Lawson fo Fera has not confirmed or refuted any of the commitments we listed in our emails after Fera's community meetings in May and August 2023] and keep the presentations on the website up to date as reference documents. I have added points below each of the points raised in yesterday’s email below. Kind Regards Andrew

1. Noting that I have had no response from FERA to either of my two emails (below) requesting confirmation of the commitments you made on behalf of FERA at the two most recent community meetings in May and August, can you please provide a response to both emails as a matter of urgency? The community is becoming sceptical that the commitments made at the meetings are simply telling people what they want to hear, with FERA’s behaviour ignoring our requests for confirmation implying FERA may have little or no intention of honouring its publicly made commitments. I hope you will understand the urgency of resolving this issue. In many of the discussions throughout the project area we are finding that residents and landholders have had discussions with people that say they are part of the SRRCG group. It is disappointing to hear the discussion held contains considerable exaggeration and incorrect statements about the project. SRRCG Note: Our mandate is the provide the community with factual information to the best of our ability. This is challenging when Fera refuses to engage with us to provide information proactively or to answer questions. We are not aware of any exaggerated or incorrect statements made by SRRCG. In terms of our stakeholder and community discussions over the last 3- 6 months we have continued to have a high level of communication: Held ongoing meetings across the local community, On site meetings with all community members that have requested or followed up our notices or who have registered their details via the project website, phone calls and the sign on sheets Held a project wide session, facilitated by BEAM with Landcare and environmental groups as part of the ecological assessment for the project. We are planning a follow on focus discussion in the next month and will development of reference group to continue local inputs through the ecology investigations. [SRRCG: Has not occurred as at 10 December 2023. Our concern is that without community input the ecology investigations could be constrained to as small as possible a footprint associated with turbine host properties only. Clearly this would miss important habitat corridors and migratory species.] Project Name: We have met with the Land council and had a series of follow-on discussions – we have asked that they provide suggestions for a new name for the project that is representative of the area We met with Ruffy CFA and will follow with meetings with each of the CFA area commands and the District commanders. We met with Annabelle Cleeland, and Cindy McLeish to brief them on the project Meetings with each of the shire council’s and briefed them on the project. Meetings the Euroa Environment group and Shire council to discuss and investigate Energy Security in Euroa. We presented at the Yea wetlands centre to the local Yea 2030 community At the August community sessions we had Inka Velthheim (Biosis PM) update the meetings regarding the proposed ecology studies. Both Inka’s and my presentation have been uploaded to the website. I have also added an extra slide with the background to calculating the project metric’s to the August 26 slide pack. The next Community event is programmed on November 25, a site visit at Cherry Tree Wind farm between 10:00am and 12:00 midday. The intention of the site visit is to allow anyone who is interested in seeing a wind farm an opportunity to come and see and hear a wind farm in action. The project website continues to be updated with reports as they are available. Development of project social media content and information. We have also had Robert Gardiner join the team. Robert is working closely with me. With over 20 years of experience on renewable projects throughout Australia and being local to the area he brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the project.

2. From previous advice given at the last community meeting we understand that there is to be a further community information session to be held at the Cherry Tree Wind Facility on November 25th. Could you please confirm this meeting is proceeding as planned and what the format of the meeting is? We note that to date there has been no local publicity of the meeting, including through our local community newsletters, and suggest as a matter of urgency that FERA publicise the meeting within local affected communities so all community members who wish to attend are aware of the meeting. As noted above we have the session on Saturday 25th November. I included this information at the August meeting and we have put up posters in the surrounding towns and included the same information on the project website. We will also email an invite to the newsletter database, stakeholders and post an invite on Facebook.

SRRCG note: Fera refuse to engage with SRRCG to enable us to share this information with our mailing list Attendees need to register for the event on the project email address Depending on numbers we may suggested a staggered visit times to ensure that the site safety protocols are maintained at all times.

3. We understand from several sources that the locations for the proposed wind turbines have been ‘frozen’, and as such we request that the area shown in FERA’s publicly available material as the (blue coloured) ‘turbine investigation area’ be updated to show only those properties which have agreed to host turbines. At present the investigation area misrepresents those properties within the investigation area whose owners have refused hosting turbines or otherwise declared their opposition to the project as proposed and therefore are no longer ‘under investigation’. Please see the attached map which shows to the best of our knowledge those properties within or adjacent to the ‘turbine investigation area’ which have communicated with us that they either refused turbines or are not in support of the project as proposed. We will be circulating this map which we believe shows a more realistic representation of the scope and scale of the project and the lack of landholder support across the investigation area. We are also seeking legal advice regarding compelling FERA not to misrepresent landholders within the turbine investigation area in the event that FERA does not voluntarily comply with this request. As discussed at the meetings we are working to have an updated plan of the project issued early in 2024. [SRRCG Note: This was previously promised by the end of 2023].The actions currently underway include: Determining potential locations and access options. Either later in November or early in December we are scheduling a 4-day review of the wind turbines. This will see the turbine locations with a high-level understanding of any issues that we need to avoid or modify. Over Summer we will then follow with a more detailed inspection of the turbine locations and the access roads. Both these activities will then enable us to issue a plan showing each turbine and a review that includes Biosis study inputs. I am hopeful that, rather than circulate incorrect information, that it is better to see the information updated with the benefit of Biosis’s studies. One of the misinformation things being said is that Fera is rushing the process. This is not true. Whilst we recognise the urgency to reduce carbon emissions to reduce the impacts of global warming and extreme weather events in Australia we are moving forward with a very detailed and thorough process to ensure that the plans are fully informed. This will take the next 2-3 years. We have no intention to misrepresent any landholder or resident.

4. Similarly, we understand from several sources, including on the Yea2030 website that FERA is currently investigating up to five potential transmission line routes, including the suggestion of a connection for the project to the grid at South Morang made necessary by the project not being sited within a Renewable Energy Zone and without a readily accessible grid connection point. Given that the proposed connections under apparent discussion are likely outside the (yellow coloured) ‘potential connection area’ in FERA’s publicly available material, could FERA either (a) publicly state it is not investigating any connection routes outside the currently described connection area, or (b) update the maps provided to indicate to the community the actual areas under investigation? I would also like to know why FERA appears to have provided far more information about the project to Yea2030 than it has to the SRRCG which represents the impacted community, despite multiple requests for this information. We are working to determine the best connection option for the project. As you well know there is no issue regarding the Renewable Energy Zone and connection. The REZ zones highlight local connection capacity through the wider network. In the case of the Seymour project the national grid is 15 – 30km from the turbine area. This is ideal for connection and, as per the projects preliminary enquiry, the connection was supported by AEMO at the location near Alexandra and also at the junction area where the 220kv line arrives to the easement from Eildon Hydro. As with the individual turbine locations and access roads we are working to identify a connection path. This includes the review of existing power line routes and new routes through farms. There are a number of local groups who are active across the project area. The Yea 2030 evening was a public event and a number of SRRCG members attended the evening. BEAM chaired a meeting that also had a number of SRRCG members attend as to represent a number of the local Landcare groups. Rather than issue a number of options that are under investigation we are working to issue a single transmission line.

5. At the meeting between Biosis and local environmental/Landcare groups on Thursday 7th September, FERA committed to establish a technical reference group to guide the upfront design and support the environmental assessment studies. This should have occurred before Spring, a key biodiversity monitoring season and we would therefore like to know why it has not yet been established, when you intend to do so, how it will be publicised, and its members selected. In addition is FERA in a position to provide more information to the community regarding the scope and scale of the area of environmental study? While we presume that the survey monitoring area must be much broader than the turbine locations to encompass habitat corridors and species movement, in the absence of the technical reference group the community is concerned that that the environmental assessment may be restricted to turbine host properties which we believe will not capture the wider biodiversity across the project area. As noted above the next meeting of the group will take place in the next 4 weeks [ SRRCG note: As at 8 December, there is no information about this meeting] with the aim to have as much local information provided. This information and the meetings are important inputs and will be used to develop the studies. Once these have been developed we will publish the information to the website. We have also had a number of meetings with the local region and DEECA to ensure that their inputs are included in the study formations. 6. Could you please provide an update on the status of the Community Consultation Committee, and whether the Terms of Reference for this group will be circulated prior to the next community meeting as committed to by yourself at the community meeting in August? We are still inviting people interested in being members of the CCC. It is our intention to work with the group to develop a term of reference: Some initial thoughts include: The Community Consultative Committee will comprise representatives of the local community. Committee members will be, individual community members or associated with local community groups and business groups who have a commitment to the area. The Seymour Wind Project Community Consultative Committee (CCC) will be guided by an agreed set of terms of reference: Membership information

  • Members of the CCC will comprise representatives of community members from the project area or members that are associated with local community groups and business groups who have a commitment to the area.

  • Note that the formation of the CCC is dependent on the acceptances received by community members volunteering their interest in participating. Members will not be provided with payment,

Annual CCC Program

  • To establish a program of projects across the project area based on submissions from the community and stakeholder groups. Involving the review of submissions and ranking of projects for funding.

  • To allocated budget across the program and ensure that the program does not exceed its annual budget. Any surplus funds will be carried to the following years projects.

CCC and the Seymour Wind Farm project team principles

  • The principles underpinning the relationship between the CCC members, and the Seymour Wind Farm project team are the values and behaviours adopted in the Clean Energy Council’s Wind Farm Charter.

Values and Behaviours

  • Wellbeing Care for people, environment and community

  • Integrity Be respectful, honest and trustworthy,

  • Passion Pursue excellence,

  • Teamwork Integrate our team, communicate openly, Celebrate the program’s success,

  • Commitment Be accountable,

  • Engagement Be inclusive, share understanding and solutions.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss. Kind Regards Greg Pritchard Chair, Strathbogies Responsible Renewables Community Group (SRRCG)


Emails sent to Andrew Lawson, CEO Fera Australia by Greg Pritchard, Chair SRRCG after the May and August 2023 community meetings. Fera did not reply to either email:

3 September 2023

Hi Andrew

Thanks for conducting the community meetings on August 26. 

I would be grateful for your confirmation of the commitments made by FERA at these meetings as set out below.  The first one is quite urgent given the tight timeline 

 Commitments from 26 August meetings:

Biosis will involve the community in the design of their studies upfront and expand the project footprint to the whole region impacted by the FERA project, not restricted to turbine host properties. Andrew, I believe there is a meeting between Biosis and environmental/landcare groups this Thursday 7th September – after your commitment made at the Upton Hill meeting, I would have expected that someone from SRRCG would also be invited. In addition it appears that the Burnt Creek Landcare Group and the broader GeckoClan network have been omitted. I would request this be corrected as the Burnt Creek Landcare Group represents a significant portion of the wind farm footprint.

2.      Biosis will access data from iNaturalist as well as from Govt databases

3.      FERA will make publically available Biosis field survey results progressively as they are completed.

4.      FERA will contract a consultant to do Geology/Hydrology studies commencing late 2023/early 2024 .

5.      FERA will provide the methodology for calculating the data on mwh and other related statistical data to be produced/saved by the project as well as some corresponding data from other wind farms.

6.      Turbines will be “deleted” from the project if FERA is unable to avoid damage to identified vulnerable/endangered flora/fauna.

7.      FERA still doesn’t intend to open any unused road reserves for any purpose, however they may use existing road alignments for powerlines unless they are able to put the lines across land whose owners give permission to do so, and for access during construction. 

8.      Terms of reference for the Community Consultation Committee will be drafted by FERA and circulated before the next Community meeting along with details on how people can nominate to participate and date for first meeting – previously committed to commence by the end of the year.  

It would be great if you were able to respond to the commitments made at the May meeting as summarised in my email dated 8 August below.

Please contact me on 0400 102 902 if you would like to discuss any of the above or below.  The community sees these as key commitments made by FERA during the current process and are keen for them to be tracked.

Greg Pritchard 

Chair, Strathbogies Responsible Renewables Community Group (SRRCG)


Email sent 8 August 2023




We at the Strathbogie Responsible Renewables group (SRRCG) would like to clarify the timing of the next Community meeting to be held by FERA which based on your previous advice will be on or around 20 August.  


Grateful if you could clarify.


Could we suggest that there be one meeting (perhaps at the Ruffy Hall given  space requirements) rather than the 2 meetings to simplify the consultation process. 


It would be very useful if you could confirm the commitments given at the last Ruffy/Upton Hill Community Meetings held by FERA on 20 May as follows:


  1. FERA will provide a detailed map to the community showing most likely turbine locations, transmission line, underground powerlines between turbines, and new and improved roads by the end of 2023. 

  2. FERA acknowledged that they need to improve their community engagement and will consult with all landowners within the planned project area and within 5km for the boundary

  3. FERA agreed to change the name of the project from Seymour wind farm to something that more accurately reflects its location in the Strathbogie Ranges and the fact that it is a windfarm and powerline project.

  4. FERA committed to all power lines linking turbines being underground (depth of 0.8 – 1.0m). Connection the grid will be by overhead high voltage transmission lines from the wind turbine area to the main Melb/Sydney interconnector near Murrindindi.

  5. FERA will only route transmission powerlines and access roads through properties where owners have given permission.

  6. FERA will not access currently unused road easements.

  7. Proposed locations for wind turbines will be altered in response to neighbouring landholder requests to protect their sightlines.

  8. FERA is considering compensation for landholders within 3-5km from turbines to receive one off payment plus annual energy subsidy

  9. FERA confirmed that there will not be any overhead transmission lines between turbines

  10. FERA has no plans to use chemical fracking in the construction of the Project

  11. The Community Consultative Committee will be set up by the end of the year


Confirmation of the above will assist the affected Strathbogie community continue to assess the proposed project. 


Please feel free to contact me on 0400 102 902 if you have any questions or would like to discuss   


Kind Regards 


Greg Pritchard 

Chair SRRCG 


Strathbogies Responsible Renewable Community Group

The Strathbogies Responsible Renewables Community Group is focussed on a fact based, respectful and inclusive process regarding Fera Australia's windfarm and powerline proposal for the Southern Strathbogie Ranges. The Strathbogies Responsible Renewables Community Group (SRRCG) is a registered legal entity which has been formed at the behest of the local community to campaign to convince decision makers not to approve the Project.

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