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SRRCG submission to VicGrid Victorian Transmission Plan Guidelines


Engage Victoria have just released the final engagement report for the draft Victorian Transmission Plan Guidelines and study area. SRRCG made a comprehensive submission to this consultation and this is now available in full on the website.

You can see the engagement report, as well as all submissions made to the consultation, on the Engage Victoria website:


Strathbogies Responsible Renewable Community Group

The Strathbogies Responsible Renewables Community Group is focussed on a fact based, respectful and inclusive process regarding Fera Australia's windfarm and powerline proposal for the Southern Strathbogie Ranges. The Strathbogies Responsible Renewables Community Group (SRRCG) is a registered legal entity which has been formed at the behest of the local community to campaign to convince decision makers not to approve the Project.

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