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SRRCG Activity Update, 21 June 2023


Updated: Dec 4, 2023

A number of people have asked for a form letter to express their opposition to FERA’s proposal to local councilors, state or federal members of parliament. We have drafted a letter, as well as a list of contacts for shires and electorates, scroll down to the previous post to downloaded them.

Remember to keep recording the birds and the bees, the flowers and the trees, the wombats and the wallabies, and anything else that lives in your local area, and upload it to iNaturalist. This helps to create a record of the biodiversity of the region, data which can be used for environmental surveys.

iNaturalist workshop handout material.

We are on FaceBook. If you are a FaceBook user you can see the latest news from the group, start discussions, leave comments and share posts to your own page…

Remember, reach out and talk to your friends and neighbours and discuss FERA’s proposal. If we work together as a community and show a united opposition then we can beat FERA. FERA can not build on, through, or over your land without your permission.

Without access to our land FERA can build nothing.

Say NO to FERA.

Write a submission

If you are opposed to the FERA proposal and would like to raise the issue with local councilors, state or federal members of parliament, we have drafted a form letter than you can use. Download both files, the names and addresses of local councilors, state and federal MP’s are in the second file.

Form letter stating opposition to FERA proposal

Contacts: Councilors, State & Federal Members of Parliament


Strathbogies Responsible Renewable Community Group

The Strathbogies Responsible Renewables Community Group is focussed on a fact based, respectful and inclusive process regarding Fera Australia's windfarm and powerline proposal for the Southern Strathbogie Ranges. The Strathbogies Responsible Renewables Community Group (SRRCG) is a registered legal entity which has been formed at the behest of the local community to campaign to convince decision makers not to approve the Project.

Contact us:

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