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Artist Impression only. The properties featured in these images were chosen to illustrate the beauty of our local landscape, and not the actual locations of towers or transmission lines.  FERA has not disclosed the actual tower locations or transmission line route at this date 4/7/2024

An industrial scale wind farm and high voltage power transmission line is totally inappropriate for the Southern Strathbogie  Ranges

Landscapes Southern Strathbogies 013.jpg
100% foreign owned FERA Australia is proposing to construct one of the largest wind farms in Victoria through the rolling granite hills and valleys of this unique and fragile landscape. 

There is widespread community opposition and Fera's disrespectful community engagement, misleading and inaccurate information is creating uncertainty and dividing our once tight-knit communities.

Fera's project is not a done deal

Fera’s project is not a fait accompli.


It is still in its very early, investigative stages. There are a number of issues they need to overcome including finding a route for the transmission line through private land.


Fera can only submit for planning approvals after they have conducted a range of studies and impact assessments.

Biodiversity impact assessments alone should run for 2 years and are planned to commence in Autumn 2024

Where is the project located?

Map 27th Sept 2024.jpg

Fera is investigating an area of approximately 50,000 ha across the Southern Strathbogie Ranges for their wind energy facility project, impacting around 400 landholders.



  • Green: Landholders known to SRRCG as being opposed to the project.

  • Blue*: Fera’s wind turbine investigation area.

  • Yellow*: Fera’s transmission line investigation area

  • Red dots*: Proposed turbine locations

  • Red lines*: Proposed internal power routes


*Map from as of July 2024


Blue and yellow areas don’t necessarily indicate available land for Fera. They represent landholders whose stance on Fera’s proposal is unknown to SRRCG. Many may also oppose Fera’s project.


If you have any information to improve this map’s accuracy,

please contact




Latest updates

Victorian Transmission Plan 2025

Engage Victoria have just released the final engagement report for the draft Victorian Transmission Plan Guidelines and study area. SRRCG made a comprehensive submission to this consultation and this is now available in full on the website.

You can see the engagement report, as well as all submissions made to the consultation, on the Engage Victoria website:

Take Action:  Roadside Signs

Put a roadside sign on your fence/gate

to show your objection to the project

and to increase community awareness.

1 sign for $20 or

3 signs for $50

Click Here to order your sign

SRRCG Soul Poster small.jpg
Fera's industrial scale development
Car to Elgos to FERA new.jpg

230m high
wind turbines

80-100 turbines each 

the size of a city skyscraper


? 30km
transmission lines and towers

Routes and sizes of

transmission line infrastructure yet to be confirmed by Fera

? 300km


Access road routes yet to be confirmed by Fera.

Construction impacts for

2-3 years


The proposed wind development is not in a
Federal government Renewable Energy Zone (REZ).

Light green areas are REZ zones
Red indicates position of Fera's wind energy proposal

Image credit: The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)

A new transmission line will need to be constructed to connect the wind turbines to the

main Melbourne – Sydney transmission line.

  • Unique landscape​

  • Environmental impacts

  • Cultural Heritage

  • Loss of amenity -  visual and noise impacts

  • Social and economic inequity

  • Poor community engagement

  • Strong community opposition

  • Setback zone

  • Bushfire safety

We seek your support to make an impact and oppose this proposal

There are multiple ways you can help! Join our Group, volunteer, record biodiversity, write a submission or donate

Strathbogies Responsible Renewable Community Group

The Strathbogies Responsible Renewables Community Group is focussed on a fact based, respectful and inclusive process regarding Fera Australia's windfarm and powerline proposal for the Southern Strathbogie Ranges. The Strathbogies Responsible Renewables Community Group (SRRCG) is a registered legal entity which has been formed at the behest of the local community to campaign to convince decision makers not to approve the Project.

Contact us:

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